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Fotografie Abenteuer


September 2025

Ein Abenteuer zwischen Sümpfen, Dünen und Meeresrauschen

Begib dich mit mir auf eine besondere Reise in die idyllischen Dünen und Sümpfe der holländischen Küste – eine Welt, die wie aus einem Gemälde entsprungen scheint. Hier, wo die Nordsee sanft an die Strände spült und die Heide in sattem Violett erstrahlt, leben halbwilde Pferde, die frei durch die Weiten streifen. Diese Reise ist nicht nur eine Gelegenheit, diese faszinierenden Tiere in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu fotografieren, sondern auch ein echtes Naturerlebnis.


What's waiting for you


Horses & Location

Around 14 young Haflinger boys aged 1-3 years are waiting for us on a private alpine pasture of around 60 hectares. The horses graze in different areas at an altitude of around 1000-1300 metres. Here we have a variety of possible motifs, such as small forests, large meadows, steep slopes and mountain panoramas. Not to forget what a vital source of nature this alpine pasture is, even without a camera. Bonus: We can also visit another Alm pasture nearby with Noriker horses. The landscape is a bit more open and offers a better mountain view.


Pictures of you

During our time together, I capture each participant's time with the horses in natural and unstaged photos, which they are welcome to use for their own website. You will receive both an edited version from me and the RAW files if you want to use your own image look.


Surroundings & Nature

The alpine pasture is located in the foothills of the Alps, not far from Schliersee. There is a lot to explore here apart from the horses. The region is known for its caves and waterfalls - the most famous of which are the Wendelstein Cave and the Josefsthal Waterfalls. There are also numerous hiking opportunities and it is not far to Kufstein with its medieval fortress.


Gemeinschaft & Austausch

In einer kleinen Gruppe von max. 5 Teilnehmern teilen wir die Faszination für die "wilden" Pferde und die unberührte Natur. Während wir gemeinsam durch die Landschaft streifen, entsteht eine besondere Verbundenheit – jeder erlebt das Abenteuer auf seine eigene Weise, doch wir begleiten uns gegenseitig. Die gemeinsame Begeisterung und der Austausch machen diese Reise zu einer einzigartigen Erfahrung.

Das besondere Highlight dieser Tour


In den Dünen und Sümpfen Hollands begegnen wir Pferden, die in einer unverfälschten und ursprünglichen Herdenstruktur leben. Ohne den Einfluss des Menschen entwickeln diese Tiere ein natürliches Sozialverhalten, das von tiefen Bindungen, klaren Hierarchien und spielerischen Interaktionen geprägt ist. Du wirst Zeuge, wie die Tiere miteinander kommunizieren, wie Fohlen neugierig ihre Umwelt erkunden und Junghengste ihre Kräfte messen. Diese Momente sind nicht nur faszinierend zu beobachten, sondern geben dir auch die Möglichkeit, das Wesen der Pferde in authentischen Bildern festzuhalten – ein Erlebnis, das weit über die klassische Fotografie hinausgeht. UND: Mit etwas Glück halten sich die Pferde im Bereich der Heidefelder auf, welche zu der Zeit blüht, oder sie nehmen ein kühles Bad in einer der Wasserlöcher.

"Experience the original world of the Haflinger and be enchanted by its timeless beauty"


Diese Reise ist für all jene, die das Abenteuer suchen und sich von der unberührten Natur inspirieren lassen möchten. Sie richtet sich an Fotografen, die ihre Leidenschaft für die Naturfotografie vertiefen und die Freiheit der halbwilden Pferde in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung festhalten wollen. Egal, ob du die Fotografie als Hobby betreibst oder professionell tätig bist – hier geht es nicht um technische Perfektion, sondern um das Entdecken, Staunen und das Erleben von Momenten, die die Seele berühren. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer Auszeit bist, um dich von der hektischen Welt zu lösen und in die Stille der Dünen einzutauchen, ist diese Reise genau das Richtige für dich. Sie ist eine Einladung, sich mit der Natur zu verbinden und die Schönheit in jedem noch so kleinen Detail zu entdecken.

Your investment

379€ pp

Ratenzahlung möglich


Not included:

  • ​​4 photo sessions with the Haflingers

  • Access permit to the Alm during the travel period when accompanied by me

  • Fee to the owner of the Alm

  • Unrestricted use of photos/videos

  • At least 6 pictures of you as a digital file

  • Travel expenses for arrival/departure

  • Accomondation

  • Meals, Drinks

  • Insurances

  • All costs not included in "Inclusive" are listed


Aktuell kann noch zwischen folgenden Zeiträumen gewählt werden:

Mo 01.09. - Sa 06.09.25

Mo 08.09. - Sa 13.09.25

More Details

Fitness level:

We will not hike long distances, but sure-footedness and weather resistance are required for this region. Sturdy shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather.


  • Your DSLR/DSLM camera

  • A telephoto lens of at least 200mm is required

  • A wide angle or zoom up to 70mm for scenic shots with horse 

  • Your laptop (if you have)

  • Rain cover for your camera

Experience & Skills:

The trip is aimed at photographers who already have basic knowledge of photography and can operate their camera independently.


Traveling by car is necessary. If that is not possible, we can try to find a solution. Please write to me about this!


​My dog will be on board with me, so you shouldn't be afraid of dogs or have an allergy or mind at all.


Min. 3 and max. 5 participants


Time Schedule

Thu 13.06.24
Fri 14.06.24
Sat 15.06.24



Time Flexible

Photo session 1

Ab 18:00

Kennenlernen, gemeinsames Abendessen, Besprechen, flexible Gestaltung des Abends

Bis 10:00

Gemeinsames Frühstück, verabschieden, Abreise

Meals according to individual needs or together.

  • Can you morally defend the ride?
    Many horse strongholds are usually also tourist magnets and horse rides are offered in droves. Whether in the Camargue, Tuscany, Andalusia, Crete & Co. Basically, I do not support this use of horses, because in many places horses are often not in good health and are also ridden far too often during the day. Sometimes there are still really horse-friendly farms whose main business is not these rides and where you can really get on the horse with a clear conscience and enjoy a wonderful, comfortable ride.
  • Is my camera suitable for videography?
    Basically, you have to be aware that a still camera was not made for filming and is just a nice feature on many cameras. Depending on the manufacturer and model, the functions and suitability can vary greatly. A few models have very good video functions. Only you can decide whether your camera is sufficient for your requirements. Please have a look at my YouTube video, there talk about this topic. If in doubt, please write to me!Exceptions are the DSLM cameras (mirrorless). These were built as hybrids and are very suitable for videography. Of course there are also differences depending on the model and manufacturer in terms of the functions. For our purposes, however, any DSLM camera is really sufficient.
  • Which memory cards are suitable for videography?
    What kind of memory card you need determines what your camera demands. Basically, it doesn't matter whether SD, XQD or CF EXPRESS. For the workshop you need a write speed of at least 260mb/s and either 128GB size or 2x 64GB. ATTENTION: On some cards only the reading speed is indicated. However, you can find information about this on the manufacturer's website or on the sales website.
  • Which video editing program do I need?
    The 3 programs I have already mentioned are the most common on the market and differ only slightly. In order to be able to edit videos comprehensively and professionally, I recommend one of these 3. If you don't have Final Cut or Premiere yet and don't want to buy it at the moment, you can download DaVinci first. There is a free version and this is absolutely sufficient. But please be sure to familiarize yourself with your respective program beforehand, because this workshop is not intended to explain the different programs. You can find numerous and really detailed videos on each program on YouTube. I will be demonstrating and explaining everything using Final Cut Pro, but you can transfer everything to your program as the editing software works very similarly.
  • What do you mean by ND filter?
    I also explain why we need an ND filter in videography in my YouTube video. In short: Since you are tied to a fixed shutter speed, which is usually around 1/125s, the video may be severely overexposed. The ND filters are then put on/inserted for darkening. There is a workaround, but it's more bad than good and I would really only recommend it as a transition. If you don't have such a filter yet, I'm happy to advise you. You may also bring some to borrow.
  • Do I have to participate in all activities?
    Of course not! ;) No one is forced to do anything and no one is angry if you are not present everywhere. Of course I am happy when we go on a discovery tour together as a group, but everyone can decide for themselves what they would like to take part in. With some excursions, however, it is the case that these are also linked to a shooting afterwards. So not all of the possible excursion destinations are actually "just" an excursion.
  • What if I'd rather have my own room?
    In order not to break the price limit, I opted for a double room, because France is very expensive. But everyone has their own bed. Since I will most likely be renting a holiday home, please let me know in good time so that I can look for something suitable. However, there will definitely be an additional charge of around €300-500.
  • I am not a horse photographer, can I still participate?
    This photo tour is specially designed for photographers from the horse niche. Therefore, you should definitely have basic knowledge of horse photography.

Interested in joining?

Just write me a non-binding message and I'll send you more informations.

Ich kann in den Zeiträumen:

Thank you!

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